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E-Z Build™ Gingerbread Barn Kit

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing Pouch Preparation

Knead the icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. To start the flow of icing, remove the cap snip 1/4 from the top of the tip. Be sure not to cut the opening too large. Your icing is now ready to use.

Step 2: Arrange Barn Pieces for Assembly

Lay the Barn pieces on the table with the front and back panels face down. Separate the cookie pieces by gently breaking along the lines between sections.

Step 3: Erect Walls

Place back panel of barn into the canal of the E-Z build tray. Then press the side wall up against the icing strip on back panel. Repeat this process with the second side wall. Then front panel. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle prior to putting on roof pieces.

Step 4: Apply icing to barn peaks

Pipe a zigzag of icing along roof edges of front and back panels.

Step 5: Add roof

Attach lower roof panels to barn peaks and hold in place for one minute. Repeat with upper roof pieces. Add a zigzag of icing between roof pieces. Hold in place for another minute while icing sets. Wait 15 minutes prior to decorating your barn.

Step 6: Icing Writer Preparation

Cut the end of the writer, as shown.

Step 7: Decorate

You are now ready to decorate your barn!

Step 8: Add Stands

Attach stands to the back of your animals with icing. Continue decorating as desired.

E-Z Build™ Haunted Chocolate Cookie House Kit

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing pouch preparation

Remove pre-made icing from kit. Knead/ Massage icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. Cutting the icing tip: remove cap and snip 1/4 from end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the house.

Step 2: Getting started

Lay out house pieces on the table with the front and back panels face down. Separate the house pieces by gently breaking along the snap lines between sections.

Step 3: Arrange house pieces for assembly

To ensure there is enough icing to stick the pieces. Pipe a zigzag of icing along the edges of the front and back panels as shown. Line the 4 canals of the E-Z Build tray with a zigzag of icing.

Step 4: Erect walls

Place back panel of house into the canal of the E-Z Build tray. Then press side wall up against icing strip on back panel. Repeat process with second side wall. Then the front panel. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle prior to putting on roof pieces.

Step 5: Apply icing to house peaks

Pipe a zigzag of icing along roof edges of front and back panels.

Step 6: Add roof

The four roof sections are different sizes. Each one is marked with a series of dots to indicate the piece number. E.G. Piece #1 has 1 dot. 6A: Gently press piece #1 into position & piece #2 will sit against first piece as shown. 6B: Attach roof panel #3 on the left side of the house and #4 on the right side. Hold in place for one minute.

Step 7: Complete roof

Add a zigzag of icing down between roof pieces. Hold in place for another minute while icing sets. Wait 15 minutes prior to decorating your house.

Step 8: Decorate

You are now ready to decorate your house!

E-Z Build™ Gingerbread Cookie House Kit

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing Preparation

Knead/massage the icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. Cutting the icing tip: Remove cap and snip the tip 1/4″ from the end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the house.

Step 2: Arrange House Pieces for Assembly

Lay out house pieces on table. Line the 4 canals of E-Z Build® tray with a strip of icing. On the reverse (rough side) of front and back panels of house along the edges, pipe a thick line of icing.

Step 3: Erect Walls

Using E-Z Build® tray, insert back panel of house into the canal, then press side wall up against icing strip on back panel. Repeat process with front panel and second side wall. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle prior to putting on roof pieces.

Step 4: Apply Icing to House Peaks

Pipe a thick strip of icing along roof edges of front and back panels. Add roof: Attach roof panels to house peaks, add a strip of icing down the middle of the house.

Step 5: Using the E-Z Build® Roof Holder

Flex the E-Z Build® Roof Holder above the house by gently pulling one side forward and the other back.

Step 6: Attaching Roof Holder

Hook the other side of the holder under the other roof panel between the two windows.

Step 7: Decorate

You are now ready to decorate your house! The E-Z Build® roof holder will hold the panels for you while the icing sets. Start decorating the four walls of the house. Once completed, remove the E-Z Build® Roof Holder to decorate the roof, or decorate around the holder.

Step 8: Use Roof Holder as Decoration

If you like, you can add the E-Z Build® Roof Holder back on the house when you are finished decorating as an added decoration. Personalize your E-Z Build® Roof Holder by coloring and adding your name.

E-Z Build™ Medium Gingerbread House Kit

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing Bag Preparation

Knead/massage the icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. Cutting the icing tip: Remove cap and snip the tip 1/2″ from the end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the house.

Step 2: Arrange House Pieces for Assembly

Lay out house on table. Line the 4 canals of E-Z Build® tray with a strip of icing. On the reverse (rough side) of front and back panels as shown, pipe a thick line of icing.

Step 3: Erect Walls

Using E-Z Build® tray, insert back panel of house into the canal, then press side wall up against icing strip. Add second side wall and front. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle prior to putting on roof pieces.

Step 4: Apply Icing to House Peaks

Pipe a thick strip of icing along roof edges of front and back panels. Add roof: Attach roof panels to house peaks and hold in place for one minute. Then line a strip of icing down the middle of the house. Hold in place for another minute while icing sets. Wait 15 minutes prior to decorating your house.

Step 5: Decorate

Decorate with icing and candies for a delicious house. Two decorating tips: If you would like a larger opening to decorate, cut the tip on the bag to 1/2″. The two extra tips in the kit are provided for decorating with different effects. Just screw them onto the bag after assembly, and have fun!

Hershey’s Halloween Medium House

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing preparation

Remove pre-made icing from kit. Knead/ Massage icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. CUTTING THE ICING TIP: remove cap and snip 1/4″ from end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the house.

Step 2: Arrange house pieces for assembly

Carefully Arrange house pieces or lay out house pieces on table. Pipe a line of icing in the cavity of the E-Z Build® Tray as shown.

Step 3: Apply icing

On the reverse(rough side) of front and back panels, pipe strips of icing as shown.

Step 4: Erect walls of house

Place back panel of the house onto the base, then press a side wall up against the strip of icing on the back panel. Repeat process with second side wall and front panel. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle.

Step 5: Apply icing to house peaks

Pipe a thick strip line of icing along roof edges of front and back panel.

Step 6: Add roof

Attach roof panels to house peaks and hold in place for one minute. Line a strip of icing down the middle of the roof sections to secure the two together. Hold in place for another minute while icing sets. Wait 15 minutes prior to decorating your house.

Step 7: Decorate your house

Your house is now ready to be decorated! Decorate with icing and candies for a delicious chocolate house.

Hershey’s Medium Christmas House

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing Preparation

Remove pre-made icing from kit. Knead/massage icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. Cutting the icing tip: Remove cap and snip 1/4″ from the end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the house.

Step 2: Arrange House Pieces for Assembly

Lay out house pieces on table with the front and back panels face down. To ensure there is enough icing to stick the pieces, pipe a zigzag of icing along the edges of the front and back panels, as shown. Line the 4 canals of the E-Z Build® tray with a zigzag of icing.

Step 3: Erect Walls of House

Place back panel of the house into the canal of the E-Z Build tray, then press a side wall up against the strip of icing on the back panel. Repeat process with second side wall and front panel. Adjust walls to create a good rectangle prior to putting on the roof pieces.

Step 4: Apply Icing to House Peaks

Pipe a zigzag of icing along roof edges of front and back panels.

Step 5: Add Roof

Attach roof panels to house peaks and hold in place for one minute. Add a zigzag of icing between roof pieces. Hold in place for another minute while icing sets. Wait 15 minutes prior to decorating your house.

Step 6: Decorate Your House

You are now ready to decorate your house!

E-Z Build™ Gingerbread Train Kit

This Product Contains

Pre-Baked Cookies

Pre-Made Icing & Building Tools

Assortment of Candies


Step 1: Icing Preparation

Knead/massage the icing pouch for 1-2 minutes bringing icing to room temperature and making it more adhesive. Cutting the icing tip: Remove the cap and snip the tip 1/2″ from the end. Your icing is now ready for assembling the train.

Step 2: Getting Started

Your train kit includes cookie pieces to build a caboose and an engine. Gently break pieces apart on the solid lines to separate (keep pieces grouped together for the caboose and engine to make building easier).

Step 3: Preparing the Caboose

Lay the four walls of this car on the table. Pipe a strip of icing in the cavity of the E-Z Build® tray for this car. Pipe a strip of icing on the back edges of the short wall pieces as shown.

Step 4: Building the Caboose

Place one of the short wall pieces in the cavity and press the two side walls up against it. Attach the other short wall piece to complete the caboose.

Step 5: Prepare the Engine

Line the cavity of the tray for the engine with icing. On the back (rough side) of two rounded pieces, pipe strips of icing along the edges as shown.

Step 6: Building the Engine Back

Place one side of the engine in the E-Z Build® tray and attach the back of the engine to the icing.

Step 7: Building the Engine Front

Press the other side of the engine to the back piece. Attach the front of the engine and square the pieces so they are all straight. Attach each of the two wheels with a dot of icing. Pipe two strips of icing along the tops of the side walls and add the roof.

Step 8: Finish the Engine

Put a dot of icing on the back of each of the remaining rounded pieces and attach them as shown. Put a strip of icing along the top of the cow catcher and secure it to the front piece of the engine.

Step 9: Decorate Your Train

Use icing and candies to decorate your train.